47th Edenthorpe Scout Group

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Scouting Terminology

  • Group – The local unit of Scouting that will consist of one or more sections normally led by a Group Scout Leader ‘GSL'.
  • Beaver Colony - A Beaver Scout Section that may be divided into small groups called Lodges. Beavers are aged 6 – 8.
  • Cub Pack - A Cub Scout Section that will be divided into groups called Sixes, each lead by a Sixer. Cubs are aged 8 - 10 ½.
  • Scout Troop - A Scout Section that will be made up of a number of Patrols each lead by a Patrol Leader. Scouts are aged 10 ½ - 14
  • Explorer Unit - An Explorer Scout Unit is managed by the District. Members are aged 14 - 18
  • Scout Network - This is a County coordinated network for Members aged 18 – 25 years
  • Scout Active Support (formerly the Fellowship) - This is a support section, open to any adult and has its Own social and activity programme.
Each Section will have its own Leaders, usually a Section Leader supported by Assistant Section Leaders together with helpers and instructors.
  • BSL - Beaver Scout Leader
  • ABSL - Assistant Beaver Scout Leader
  • CSL - Cub Scout Leader
  • ACSL - Assistant Cub Scout Leader
Leaders in the Beaver colony use animal names such as Squirrel, Otter and Grey Beaver.
Leaders in the Cub Scout Pack use names drawn from Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book. The CSL is called ‘Akela' and the Assistant Leaders use the names of other characters: Baloo, Hathi, Kaa, Rikki and so on.
  • SL - Scout Leader
  • ASL - Assistant Scout Leader

In many Troops it is traditional that the Scout Leader is called ‘Skip’ (but not at Edenthorpe).


Whilst we do not have our own Explorer Scout unit, the local 'district' unit (Pegasus) feeds from all of the local Groups



  • ESL - Explorer Scout Leader

The terms Leader and Scouter are both used to describe those adults who hold a Warrant. The warrant is the appointment card that is given to those who accept the appointment as a uniformed Leader. Such appointments are made by the Scout District.

Other adults may be Helpers or Skills Instructors. Helpers usually provide general help to a section on a regular basis whilst Skills Instructors provide more specialised support. Both are issued with Certificates of Appointment.

Besides the Leaders, the Group will have a team of other adults who provide support chiefly with administration and fund raising. These will be lead by a Group Chairperson. The Group Chairperson is strictly speaking the Chairperson of the Group Scout Council. This meets annually at the Group Annual General Meeting ‘AGM' and includes all those, especially parents, who are connected to the Group. The more routine management of the Group's affairs is conducted by the Group Executive Committee often called ‘the Executive'.
Edenthorpe Scout Group is part of a District (Doncaster Danum), which exists to provide support to and promote co-operation between Groups. The District will be lead by a District Commissioner ‘DC' . The District Commissioner is supported by a team of Assistant District Commissioners ‘ADC'. These will each have specific responsibilities and thus hold appointments such as Assistant District Commissioner (Cub Scouts) ‘ADC (CS)'.
The District look for their support to a County that will be led by a County Commissioner ‘CC' . Similarly to the District there will be a team of Assistant County Commissioners ‘ACC' .
For a more detailed Glossary of Scouting terms please see the Scout Associations own A to Z of Scouting terms.
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